Saturday, 27 February 2016

Time Property for Investment - Unveiling a Secret Chart ?

First off, thank you for the invitation. It was a very well done project by Capitaland and I must say that the price is quite cheap considering the location and Psf with good furniture and quality interior finishing. I am not so sure on the downside since the discount was already factored into the project and considering this project VS other District 9 projects, I am pretty impressed. This is Cairnhill Nine with good investment yield % and long term growth returns.

Unfortunately for me, because of so many restricts and curfew by the Gov, if I were to buy this project, I am unable to flip it within the next 5 years unless I am willing to be tax by the Gov. 5 years is a long time for me and I don't think I have any patience for it. I would rather put the $$ in growth stocks and I can flip it anytime I want with strong liquidity flowing in/out. However with that being said, not everyone is like me and some want a more stable and fixed rental which I think this project can offer. The developer is Capitaland and they were recently in the news with an impairment loss of $110 million. At this point, I would prefer to buy a unit for personal consumption rather than investment because of liquidity issues.

I am not a property agent nor I have transacted any properties before. Every property agent I met, they all tell me the same old thing that no one can catch the bottom or buy now before the Gov remove ABSD or the price is very cheap now as compared to blah blah years back. I mean those are facts I already knew. I am only interested in making $ and so I am looking more on the speculative end. With that being said, the property stocks in SGX offer more opportunities than physical properties. Well, I can catch the bottom for property stocks and I can also catch the high if I really put in effort which I did many times over the past few years. If one were smart, she would buy property stocks first near the bottom and sell it off later where the $$ made can be use to make down payment for physical properties. The only question is how to do so?

I have discovered a secret chart which aided me over the years. Over the years, we know stock market and property make the rich richer and the only way to be rich is by either of these two. But what if you can do both at the same time, it is only going to turn you richer which I am planning to give myself this task. I have done it in 2009 and I am going to do it again one last time before I call it a quit and retire. See my records below.

I am planning for a location and will be catering all who are interested to come learn from me FREE. But of course, due to the high demand, I will only take in those hungry and serious ones whom are keen and interested. This event WON'T be like all those properties talk you see outside which tells you only facts which you and I have already heard in the media. I will prove it to your with my track and trade record and what I want is high probability of winning with secrets footprints of buyers and sellers located in the charts. You can invite your friends or family to attend too and I will only do it ONE TIME since it takes years for property cycles to form. Learning this extra knowledge will do you good and save you from buying at the high like in the year 2013 and later collapsed and lose $ like now 2016.

How do you register? Check this blog regularly and I will post the registration form here for registration. I guarantee, you won't regret and you won't hear from anyone else on this huge secret. This is my promise to you.

Ronald K - A Game Changer