Sunday, 15 October 2017

Hi-P - When Is the Growth Stopping

I am planning for some good trades next week and I am preparing some homework and scripts for my next talk and private sharing soon. So I was watching and studying Hi-P as it has been trending up really really well these past weeks. The shares had been heavily snapped up and the buyers were not giving up on higher and even higher price. They were willing to just continue to absorb whatever that is available in the market which could spell something big to come. On the other side, whenever the sellers emerged, the buyers would sniff out all the selling and then price would continue to rise which is a good sign to the stock. Because of this stock, some of my students made 5 digits and some even made 6 digits. Click below to see my sharing yesterday.

Personally I don't know when is the growth for this counter is stopping because it's just too strong of a force to reckon with. I remembered last month 28/9/2017, I went long 20 lots at 1.335 and if I have held it till today, I would have made almost 40 cents in like 2 weeks plus which is super good return considered that it's a short period of time. I believe if you play the right stock, right sector, it's potential return is so much faster than playing some individual stocks. For those who are interested in my stock picks and tips, I will post it in my Instragram once I see it. Subscribe to my Instagram account at the link below.

Ronald K - A Game Changer