Saturday, 30 June 2018

Dow Jones, Dax - Good Profits For the Week

It's a good trading week for trading the Dow and DAX as the market was pretty simple to trade on the long / shorts. I just received a trade record and it's another good win for the week with some minor losses. I am really impressed and I mean it as the $7000 target and goals is slowly reaching soon which I sent for my trader group. Partly also because the chart was easy to read but more importantly the desire and willingness to take calculated risk and getting a job done.

So I asked how much this student of mine made this month and the answer was $5000 USD which qualified for the Ron K trader group. When I first got to know him, he joined all my paid initiatives but more importantly, he learnt many things in all the sessions I conducted. He might not like the way how I drove him at first, but now he's succeeding and knew what's focused and getting the job done all about. I am so happy and impressed. Continue your excellent work and continue this streak. Congrats!

Ronald K - A Game Changer