Thursday, 5 July 2018

A Lunching Session with Ronald K - Motivation and Pushing

Lunch today with a great friend of mine today where I shared many stocks and global outlook of the world and what it takes to make serious amount of $ in the next millennium. Lunch was good and as usual, he always bring me to a place with class where we can discuss things in a good ambience. Although he don't touch stocks, he's really a person I looked up to when I need someone to push me harder to greater heights. I have achieved many things in my life but to elevate further, I need to get out of the comfort zone and do things I have not done before and I think that's what I am doing now currently, investing and swing trading more in the US stocks. Before we left, he gave ma 2 words and that's take action. I believe it's the same slogan I gave to all my students. It's only actions that we anticipate results or opportunities will be waste. Looking forward to embark on my next journey and work on my craft.

Ronald K - A Game Changer