Saturday, 6 October 2018

Tilray Inc - Stock Alert in Malaysia

I was in Malaysia yesterday and I knew there were abundance of opportunities in the US market yesterday and hence I private message an active trading student for a stock alert to share with her on how to enter Tilray around a good price. So at 1.25am last evening, she traded Tilray at 135.81 and 2 hours later, the stock went higher to 143.9 where she locked in her $1122 profits in 2 hours. See the 5 minute chart, the stock got sold down and then flushed lower before rebounding. Smart money was scaring retailers to throw and then absorbing with bullish volume. To long, one must try to buy near bottom and then wait for the rebound then sell which was exactly what she did where she followed my game plan. Happy to see her profits. Congrats!

Ronald K - A Game Changer