Check out my precision trading on Singapore and USA Stocks. I focused heavily on timing, NOT price action, NOT traditional TA or the usual Fundamental Analysis. Hence my accuracy and hit rate is exceptionally high. Over the years, I discovered that timing can be captured from the charts where I had mastered the art of perfect timing. Follow my blog, my journey towards effortless trading and perfect execution.
Thursday, 26 September 2019
Micron - Bottom Fishing
It was another good night and I was again so impressed with the profits from Shawn. Again and again he excelled with his trading and this time caught the bottom in Micron before the stock rebounded. See his trade record where he longed Micron at the bottom and the stock rebounded up 80 cents!! That's skill and focus. I think in the month of September, he probably made $5000-$6000 just by trading USA stocks with small lot size. The Micron chart was beautifully setup in the 5 minute chart and I see why he longed. Congrats Shawn and very impressive work. Continue this streak!
Ron K - A Game Changer