Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Nasdaq 100 - Trading with Speed

The Dow Jones collapsed with speed. The Nasdaq 100 followed and I shorted the Nasdaq instead because of the tech stocks slumping down very fast. Opening bell and started to short since the market sentiment was very bearish and every buyers started to throw. It was scary so I joined the fun shorting. The only problem was I took too fast profits when the market has so much more room to go lower. Well, I was only trying to scalp than swing since I already knew what to do when opening bell starts. I got my trader Kris to trade for me and he got the job done. As you can see from the 5 minute chart, there was a wb without strong buying and slowly, the sellers emerged. That's the short signal and that's the sell button to press. Looking forward to the next trade.

Ron K - A Game Changer