Yesterday evening, I shared about the unloading of HUYA shares as I saw sellers taking profits and running away. I posted it LIVE on this very blog when I told everyone I was selling HUYA shares and locking in my profits. I also shared why the volume played an integral part of my bearish analysis and what I saw made me want to sell rather than continuing holding on the stock. Click below link to read more.
Today, the stock gap down with bad earnings. It proved that my analysis and observation on the volume and selling actions was correct and luckily I managed to lock in profits without having too much emotions or hope. I am telling you, so far so good in trading US stocks with mostly wins.
Observation played a part but skills and knowledge is vital for long term sustainability in trading the US market in the long run. If you think you can trade yourself without the right tools and knowledge, wait till you try ignorance and lose some $ first. At least, that's how I learnt in the past by knocking the wall so many times and losing so much $$ first before I knew my mistakes and pick it up from there again.
Ronald K - A Game Changer