Thursday, 20 December 2018

A Long Deserved Break - Meditation to Success

To many a break or a holiday is an easy thing to achieved but for me, due to my tight time schedule together with the market moving every single day, it's pretty hard for me to take a day off. So when i had the chance last week, I seized the opportunity to take a few days off to reflect what I am going to do for 2019. It's a long holiday for me and I medicated a lot for my 2019 goals and how I am going to achieved it. For 2019, my time schedules are super tight so to move higher and faster, I need to leverage on connections and also some others in the stock market.

All of us need breaks at certain time of out lives and hence I prefer to live with nature than to go against it. During this trip, the nature taught me something while I meditated and I learnt that to grow, I need to continuously get out the toxins from my mind and weed out the unnecessary thoughts from it. It's like if you see a big garden with flowers, you need to nature it every 2 weeks or so and expunged the weeds out so that it will continue to get natural sunlight, water and grow while not leting the weeds eat take advantage of the flowers. It's a continuous process that cannot be done for just one time and neglect it. It's the continuous learning and weeding out unwanted plants to nature good flowers to grow which keeps you moving with the positive/right thoughts. So looking forward 2019 as I had rewired and reprogrammed my mindset for higher achievements.

Ronald K - A Game Changer