Thursday, 14 May 2020

SPCE - Trading with Ron K's Secret Sauce

Another great win James. I am so impressed and so happy for you since you had been using my advice and secret sauce to make consistent profits since the day we meet before the lockdown during the LIVE Trading session. SPCE had been an easy stock to trade since the chart has all the tell tale signals before it turned. The one thing which amazed me was using the trading stratetgies which I taught you, you were able to sell it off before Richard Brandson which was to me extremely good!! Brandon's profits maybe great and maybe more than yours, but it's the consistency and the trade secrets which I shared with you allowed you to profit again and again after so many tries.

Not only you made it in SPCE but also in Beyond meat which recently ran up quite a bit due to some good news and of course many traders whacking up the shares. Also, I got another message from anotehr trader whoi trades the Dow Jones which profited with some small positions using the manual which I sold him and also the technique like a flush to spot the trade. Congrats to both of you and looking forward to see more profits!

Ron K - A Game Changer