Friday, 8 May 2020

SPCE - Profited $11,000 As It Shot Up

I was in the park thinking and planning on picking the right stocks and giving it out to my trader and as usual, if I want to drive you to make $$, it's an anytime thing and I can do it at ease and that's what I did for my guy Brandon and 2 other traders. He traded SPCE and made like $11,000 SGD. He wrote me a message thanking me but that's not the key, it was the drive and decisiveness I turned him into clicking the right button at the right stock and finishing the job clean.

The other trader bought my manual and as usual, I am a firm believer of what I wrote in the manual because I used it everyday to trade the market and so far so good, it was more profits and wins than losses. When others traded with the maneuvers in the manual and made $$, I am equally pleased to see it turned out well and I will be sharing and teaching more on the manual. Delta Airlines and VISA also yielded profits from my student who traded small and made some good $$. Overall, it was a good day and looking forward to drive more traders to make $$ when they take up my service.

Ron K - A Game Changer