Friday, 31 July 2020

Dow Jones - Winston, His Profits Now Escalated to $19600 in 1 Month

Another epic trade from Winston and his profits is now escalated to $19,600 since he met me 1 month ago. I am so extremely pleased and impressed because I drove him, motivate him and then get him to produce results just that way I wanted him to perform. So far so good as he's been using the Dow Jones outlook I posted in my private Instagram account combined with the manual he bought from me, he was able to perform at the highest standard with great profits. The Dow Jones is choppy but if you know how to navigate and find the right turning points before hand, you are able to continuous make $$ from the market. From his 400 trades in a month to now 20 trades a month, it's way more efficient and productive but more importantly with superb results!

Ron K - A Game Changer