I was in the cafe reading my scripts and the stocks I wrote on a piece of paper having my lunch while planning some trades for Brandon. Again, another great job, clean job and more importantly, efficient trading from Brandon when I pushed him out of his comfort zone towards the brink where he got what he wanted $$. While it was a public holiday on a Friday, I got Brandon to trade Alphabet A and some other stocks in his account where he managed to spot the setup signals himself while finishing the day with profits. While most people are partying on a Friday evening, I think the key towards winning and making a mark in life is do whats boring and do what others don't do over a long period of time so that in the long run while others are still struggling, you made your mark.
When I called Brandon, there wasn't any excuses about family, party, friends or whatsoever. He just wanted to make $$ and finish a Friday night with $$. So as a coach, my job is to scan the right stock for himself, tell him my game plan and let him finish the job himself so as to achieve independence and high level of trading proficiency. He told me he wanted intraday trading and hence I chose Alphabet A for him. I might have chose the wrong stock but sometimes, every individual has certain risk level you need to assess and know before giving him the right stock that suits his temperament. Congrats!
Ron K - A Game Changer