Monday, 14 September 2020

Google Meet - This is Brandon, A Senior Trader to Juniors

Conducted a google meet session yesterday where I specially invited Brandon to come on board to share his journey and experience trading under me. I interviewed him and so far, he has made like $70,000 - $90,000 under my apprenticeship and the stock tips I gave him had outperformed where profits went leaps and bounds per day. During the google meet session, I encourage everyone to ask him questions to pick his brain so that everyone got a chance to hear and learn from him. To me, he is the Top trader for me right now in Malaysia and he's such an inspirational figure to the rest of the junior traders. I will host more google meet sessions soon where I will mentoring more junior traders and drive some of you to be the best version of yourself so please embrace this journey with me! So happy to see profits so fast for this morning after the google meet session last evening!

Ron K - A Game Changer