Monday, 21 September 2020

Stock Operation Course - Life Long Skills Trading US Stocks

It's my 9th year teaching the Stock Operation Course and I must say, I am getting a little tired and prefer to be a private investor while forming my traders and open up my fund house is the career path I am looking for now. Teaching a course can be rewarding but it can also be a disaster as everyone is different in their learning curve. Some needs more help while other are very efficient and effective in their learning process. The skills and strategies I taught can be used daily, weekly, monthly and yearly in the Singapore, US, Europe Markets and all other instruments that are available. I am pleased to continue to receive trade records from students who attended my course recently and still able to make good profits in the US market. I may not be frequently trading these days as I am working on other projects, still the rewarding part is to see others succeed in their trading and continue their path in making $$. Congrats! 

Ron K - A Game Changer